
Showing posts from August, 2020

Everything You Need To Know About Cannabis Wax

If you regularly buy marijuana online , you will have noticed most sites have a section for concentrates .   Wax, shatter , live resin , budder , badder, BHO, cannabis e-juice, honey oil, crumble, honeycomb — the variety of names and types of concentrates can be bewildering.   When North America first started turning on and tuning out in mass quantities in the 1960s, it was all much simpler. Except for the illegality and supply shortages, of course. There was grass and there was hash. On rare occasions there was grass or hash oil that could only be smoked by smearing it on a rolling paper and rolling a pot or, more often, a tobacco-filled joint. Given the limited sources of cannabis at the time, it was rare for someone to have both oil and weed.   Those Mad Men days where everyone smoked tobacco are long gone, and cannabis concentrates are available in many different forms with many more choices of ways to ingest them.   Cannabis wax has become one of the popu...